The #MKRCookie is a project that explored how online maker instructions are shared, interpreted and subsequently remixed. For this project, I developed the "recipe" for making a replica of a Peek Freans Fruit Cremé Bisquit, which I called a #MKRCookie. My hope was that by sharing this recipe along with all original files online, makers of different kinds might take them and make their own cookies. #MKRCookie was meant to be an invitation to make and a challenge to adapt. While only my mom has participated in this project, I like to periodically revisit the #MKRCookie recipe and make a new variation.

Original 3D model.

Polyjet printed cookie in 4 parts.

3D wax printed cookie cast in silver.

Laser cut cookies using found rhinestones.

3D wax printed cookie cast in wax on CNC milled cookie pedestal.

3D wax printed cookie cast in stainless steel. Laser cut paper in background.

3D Printed Cookies using woodfill and translucent filament.

#MKRCookie display at 2015 Maker Festival in Toronto.

Laser cut cookie workshop at 2015 Maker Festival.